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Musée de la téléphonie
Telephony museum

The different stages of the journey:

-Evocation of the means of communication through the ages.

-Discover the electrical phenomena that will allow the discovery of the phone.

-Reconstitution of the first telephone connection by Graham BELL, in 1876.

- Improvement of the equipment by Antonio Meucci, Alessandro Volta and André-Marie Ampère to make it exploitable civilly.

-Discover the first telephone network, served by "the girls on the phone".

-Discovering the limits of manual telephony that will lead to the development of automatic machines.

-Appearance of electronics, computing, micro-electronics, which will generate the current telephony.

Exceptional, we have the last talking clock in Belgium ...

Tours begin at 14:15 and only by reservation on the following dates:

Visit only on French

Every third sunday of the month

Prices of visits with audio-guide:
Adults (over 18 years old): 7,00 €
Seniors (over 65 years old): 5,00 €
Students (from 12 to 18 years old): 5,00 €
Children (from 6 to 12 years old): 4,00 €
1- Reservation or information for individual visits:
At fort de Lantin at 0497 23 85 69 or fortdelantin@outlook.fr
Mr. Daniel Stasse at 0478 30 62 20 or danielstasse@hotmail.com.

Online booking (ORC-ELLOHA)


2 -Booking or information for schools and group of 10 people via this channel (Email) ou (Phone)








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